Wednesday, June 27, 2012




Do you have a hard time seeing out of your tiny peephole?
Is your peephole too high for you or your children to see out of?
I’m only 5’0″ and I have always had to stand on my tiptoes to see out of most peepholes. I was so excited to find the PeepHole Viewer by Brinno.  They make several models.  The original version of Brinno’s PeepHole Viewer uses an LCD Panel to display who is at your door.  It turns a hard to see image into a big, bright image that is easy to be seen by adults and children alike. The Brinno peepholes are also great for the elderly as well with it’s easy, one button operation.


Brinno’s second generation PeepHole Viewer comes with a 3″ vertical LCD screen that shows a big, bright image but it also has an Image Recording function.  This is the version I received to review.  Installation was fast and easy.   It took no longer than 5 minutes to install it from start to finish.   No need to drill any new holes.  And it is so easy to use, even children can use it to see who is at the door.  My children know never to open the door no matter who is at the door, but now they can easily see who the visitor is and let me know. clip_image006
When you press the power button, it will record the visitor’s photo on a MicroSD card (not included), too.
I was also given the optional knock sensor.  With the knock sensor installed, whenever someone knocks on the door, the PeepHole Viewer turns on and records a picture of the visitor.  Now I never have to wonder who stopped by my house when I wasn’t home.



I LOVE our Brinno PeepHole Viewer.  I feel much safer knowing that my children and I can all see who is at the door.   This is a great product for anyone with a family.  It is also great for anyone who has trouble seeing out of a small peephole.

If you interest with it, please Google Brinno peephole viewer 1330. Or

INVECCHIARE SERENAMENTE / Digital Peephole Viewer / Digital Door Viewer(IT)

INVECCHIARE SERENAMENTE / Digital Peephole Viewer / Digital Door Viewer(IT)

Il Brinno Digital Peephole viewer è una soluzione semplice, sicura e conveniente per ottenere l’ immagine chiara della persona che bussa alla nostra porta. Il tradizionale “occhio magico” inserito nella tua porta non è sempre adatto ai bambini, alle persone anziane o a tutte le persone che non riescono a vedere perfettamente chi c’è dietro alla porta. Con lo spioncino digitale invece è molto semplice verificare chi si trova dietro alla porta di casa tenendola ben chiusa.


L'installazione è molto semplice, non c'è bisogno di praticare un foro sulla porta o di effettuare collegamenti di cavi.

E’ possibile utilizzare lo spioncino originale già in uso stringendolo sulla flangia

fissata alla porta.

Questo permette di non avere costi per l’installazione e di mantenere la porta

conforme alla sua manifattura.


1. Installare la flangia

2. Montare lo spioncino digitale

3. Finito !

Il funzionamento è molto semplice; lo spioncino Brinno ti permette di visualizzare sullo schermo LCD chi è all’esterno della porta senza che questi si accorga della tua presenza in casa.

Basta premere un semplice pulsante per vedere un’immagine chiara e grande.

Può essere utilizzato da persone di qualsiasi altezza e permette di vedere l’immagine su un display simile a quello delle macchine fotografiche digitali.

Con lo spioncino digitale è possibile compensare la scarsa luce esterna cpsì da ottenere sempre un’immagine chiara e nitida. Una seconda pressione del tasto di accensione permette di vedere l’immagine zoommata.

Per risparmiare le batterie l’apparecchio si spegne automaticamente dopo circa 10 secondi.

Quando le batterie sono scariche si accende la spia.

L’apparecchio funziona solo con nr. 2 batteria AA che durano 12 messi oppure circa 1300 accensioni.


Brinno peephole viewer 1325


Brinno peephole viewer 1330

1. Miglioramento Luminosità: Quando l'ambiente esterno è troppo buio per vedere bene si può attivare la modalità di “compensazione luminosità” per aumentare la chiarezza dell'immagine.

2. Il sensore di rilevazione: Ci sono degli accessori opzionali: il sensore di movimento, il sensore di bussata (vibrazione) e la micro SD card per la registrazione delle immagini.

3. L'area del sensore di movimento è di 5 m entro 65 gradi. Si potrebbe mettere il sensore sulla parte superiore della porta o in qualsiasi altro luogo vicino alla porta, ad una distanza massima di 5m. Lo spioncino digitale si accende per scattare 3 foto se qualcuno si avvicina o se tocca la porta e se è inserita la micro SD card si può verificare chi è passato anche quando in casa non c’è nessuno.



Quest’anno Brinno ha introdotto una nuova tecnologia sul modello PHV 1330


Questa funzione permette di verificare in che data e a quale ora è passato un ospite inatteso. Il PHV1330 Brinno migliora la sicurezza domestica ed è indispensabile per rivedere le immagini se è successo qualcosa.
Se vuoi saperne di più ti invitiamo a visionare il sito:

Monday, June 18, 2012

עינית דיגיטלית לדלת

עינית דיגיטלית לדלת = IL(Digital Peephole viewer/Digital Door viewer )

העינית הדיגיטלית לדלת של חברת ברינו (BRINNO) מספקת פתרון קל בטיחותי ונוח לצפייה ברורה בעומד מאחורי הדלת.
העינית הרגילה לדלת לא תמיד מתאימה עבור ילדים, מבוגרים ואפילו לכם, כדי לבדוק מי נמצא מאחורי הדלת. 
עם העינית הדיגיטלית לדלת ילדים, מבוגרים ואתם תוכלו לצפות במי שעומד מאחורי הדלת בלי לפתוח את הדלת.

ההתקנה פשוטה מאוד, אין צורך בקדיחה או בחיבור העינית למקור חשמלי. כל שנדרש הוא להחליף את העינית הרגילה בעינית איכותית יותר המסופקת במארז ולהתקין את מכשיר העינית הדיגיטלית על גבי התושבת בצד הפנימי של הדלת. ניתן לצפות בסרטון התקנה באנגלית :

ההפעלה, גם היא פשוטה, לחיצה על כפתור ההפעלה או שימוש בגלאים להפעלה אוטומטית תציג לכם באופן ברור וממוקד על גבי צג LCD את העומד מאחורי הדלת ללא ידיעתו. ניתן בלחיצה נוספת על המכשיר למקד אף יותר את מרחב הצפייה. לשמירה על משך חיי הסוללה המכשיר מבצע כיבוי עצמאי לאחר 10 שניות. כאשר הסוללות חלשות נדלקת נורית חיווי אדומה. המכשיר מופעל על ידי שתי סוללות אצבע המאפשרות הפעלה של 12 חודשים או 1300 הפעלות.

Brinno peephole viewer 1325

Brinno peephole viewer 1330

בשנת 2012 חברת ברינו השיקה את הדור השני של העיניות הדיגיטליות לדלת באמצעות דגם PHV1330 המאפשר :
1.      מענה לתאורה חלשה – כאשר הסביבה החיצונית חשוכה לצפייה, ניתן להפעיל מוד צילום המבהיר את התצוגה.

2.      גלאים להפעלה אוטומטית – שימוש בגלאי תנועה או גלאי נקישות להפעלה אוטומטית של המכשיר ואף בשילוב כרטיס זיכרון micro sd ניתן לשמור תמונות של העומד מאחורי הדלת. מרחב גילוי התנועה על ידי הגלאי הוא 5 מטר בזווית 65 מעלות. ניתן להתקין את הגלאי מעל לדלת או בכל נקודה בסמוך לדלת על למרחק של 5 מטר. המכשיר מופעל באופן אוטומטי ומצלם שלוש תמונות של העומד מאחורי הדלת כך שאם מגיע אורח בלתי קרוי הוא מתועד באמצעות המכשיר.
3.      צפייה בתמונות שצולמו – צפייה בתמונות שתיעדו את המבקרים הבלתי קרויים. כל תמונה כוללת תאריך ושעת צילום.
דגם PHV1330 מגביר את תחושת הביטחון בעיקר עבור מבוגרים בני הגיל השלישי וצעירים וצעירות המתגוררים לבדים.
למידע נוסף אתם מוזמנים לבקר באתר חברת Brinno : או באתר היבואן green vision security solutions בכתובת :

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Aging friendly, Digital Peephole viewer/Digital Door viewer

Aging friendly, Digital Peephole viewer/Digital Door viewer

The Brinno Digital Peephole viewer is an easy solution to get a clear image of people knocking your door with safety and convenience. The old peephole that inserted to your door is not suitable always for kids, aged person or even for you as no one can perfectly who is behind the door. With Digital peephole viewer check easily people standing in front of your door while keeping it locked.


The installation is very easy, there is no need to have worker to drill a hole on the door or connect the peephole and door with wire or cable. Just to use the original peephole lens to tight up the base flange on the door, then to insert the peephole viewer on the flange, then it’s done. It saves more cost for installation, and keeps the shape of the door. Video link


The operation is very easy, Brinno PeepHole Viewer is within an LCD panel to display who is at your door without alerting them to your presence. The PeepHole Viewer turns a hard to see peep hole image into a big bright image. Simply push the button to see a large image of the person outside your door. The image is easy to see for people of any height and is similar to that on the display of a digital camera. The viewer compensates for low-light images and eliminates "fish eye" distortion. A second press of the button provides a zoomed image, which enlarges the center of the image for viewing facial details. Repeated presses toggle between regular and zoom modes. It turns off automatically after 10 seconds to conserve battery life. When the batteries are low, the red Low Battery Light flashes. Requires only 2 AA batteries it can use 12 month or 1300 time on/off.


Brinno peephole viewer 1325


Brinno peephole viewer 1330

This year, there is advanced technology from Brinno peephole viewer- PHV1330.

1. Brightness Enhancement: When the outdoor environment is too dark to see, turn on the Brightness Enhancement mode to increase image brightness.

2. The detecting sensor: There are optional accessories, such as motion activated sensor and knocking (vibration) sensor with micro SD card for recording. The detecting area of motion activated sensor is 5m within 65 degree. You could put the sensor on the top of the door or any place near the door within 5m distance. The peephole viewer will be turned on to take pictures 3 times if there is unexpected visitor came to your house or knocking your door while you are away from home, then image will be storage into the SD card.


3. Playback Mode: The fantastic function is able to playback to check which date and what time the unexpected visitor close to your house. The Brinno PHV1330 enhances the home security and is available to playback to check if there is something happened, especially for single woman or elders live along by themselves.

If you want to know more, please Google Peephole Viewer or visit

Where to buy: